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Breaking The Code

“Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light.”

George Washington

The first step in breaking the code is determining where to start. From clues derived on the page entitled Using The Key the suggested starting point appears to be related to line 77 from the beginning and line 73 from the end. One possible solution using these two lines is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Code Start Using Lines 77 and 73

There are several confirmations built into the Square and Compass letters in Figure 1.

  • The total of the letters that form the Compass and Square is, “TNR” + “DEM” = 52 + 22 = 74 = JESUS
  • The total gematria value of the lines that form the Square and Compass is 675, which is 666 + 9
  • 74 X 9 = 666
  • The total of the letters from N to R in the Compass, D to E in the Square, and line 85 is 666
  • The letters before the Compass and the letters after the Square are, “ERSV” + “DI” = 77 = CHRIST

Figure 2 shows that the traditional Masonic Square and Compass with the letter G as a confirmation, or symbolic representation, of the potential starting positions in the Bible for the code. When properly set up, the Square and Compass shapes along with the 7 letters between them, has a total value of 666.

Figure 2 – The Masonic Square and Compass Symbol Confirms Starting Lines

Punctuation Matters

Once again, it is important to look for the unbalanced divide of four. So far, we have deleted three letters from the text in each direction of the Bible, “GOD” from the beginning and “CUP” from the end. All punctuation is also deleted. To complete the unbalanced divide of four, we might need to retain one punctuation mark in both directions. Previously, the clues indicated that we should retain the comma from the beginning and the period from the end. Figure 3 shows the first nine lines of modified text from the beginning and end of the Bible,

Figure 3 – The first 9 Lines with Puncuation

This arrangement has several built in confirmations.

  • The total value of all the letters in the 9 lines is 1332, which is 2 X 666.
  • Note that the difference between the number of letters and punctuation marks in each section is 2, possibly indicating that 1332 is correct.
  • The first and last letters of the first and last lines plus the number of punctuation marks have the following values:
  • Beginning: “IETA” = 35, 35 + 2 Commas = 37
  • End: “LEA” = 18, 18 + 4 Periods = 22
  • 37 X 22 = 814
  • 888 – 814 = 74 = JESUS

The next thing needed is the starting point. It does not appear to be the same as it was without the punctuation. The logical path to follow is to use the numbers found in the first nine lines above. Using 666 for the starting position would be too easy and could be found without having to use the values of the first nine lines. Let’s take a look at letter numbers 649 and 683 shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 – The Letters in Positions 649 and 683

The four letters at positions 649 and 683 have several really good confirmations built into them.

  • The four letters have a total value of “GTEE” = 37.
  • The total of the positions of each letter on their respective lines is 18.
  • 18 X 37 = 666
  • The position of the period from the end is 24.
  • The position of the comma from the beginning is 37.
  • 24 X 37 = 888 = JESUS in Greek.

There are several different ways that the four selected letters above can be used to form the Square and Compass. On problem is that the four letters are not in the same column that was previously used for the corner of the Square and Compass. Figure 5 shows one possible arrangement of the Square and Compass.

Figure 5 – Square and Compass – Option 1

Some possible confirmations of Option 1 Square and Compass are shown below.

  • The Square from the end of the Bible is on lines 93 and 94.
  • The Compass from the beginning is on lines 98-104.
  • THe total of the Square and Compass line numbers is 894.
  • 894 – 6 = 888, and there are 6 letters that form the Square and Compass.
  • The total gematria value of the Square and Compass lines is 700.
  • If the first and last letters are removed, the total value is:
  • The value of the first and last letters, “OS” = 34, is the same as the difference between the first and last nine lines in Figure 3.
  • The three letters that form the Square have a value of “GOI” = 31.
  • The three letters that form the Compass have a value of “ETS” = 44.
  • Combined the total is 75, and the two letters at positions 649 and 683 are “G” = 7, and “E” = 5.
  • The difference between the two sets of letters is 44 – 31 = 13.

Recall from Figure 1 above that the numbers 13 and 18 were part of the Square and Compass. Figure 6 shows the relationship of the 13th period and 18th comma to the Square and Compass with punctuation included.

Figure 6 – 13:18 Confirms The Square and Compass

  • The 13th comma is in position 705 from the beginning.
  • The 18th period is in position 668 from the End.
  • 705 – 668 = 37
  • The 13th period is the 24th character from the beginning line of the Square.
  • The 18th comma is the 24th character from the end line of the Compass.
  • 24 X 37 = 888

The period and comma combine with the Square and Compass to give the confirmation number 888. This could indicate that the Square and Compass are correct.

Adding the Square and Compass letters gives the value 31 + 44 = 75. Subtracting 26 X 2 gives 75 – 52 = 23 = W. Recall that 23 was the first shift value used in Figure 9 of “Using The Key”.

The first “W” from the beginning and end of the Bible are a combined 74 characters, and JESUS = 74.

“In the beginning God created the Heauen, and the Earth. And the earth w” + “with you all. Amen.” = 716.

There are a total of 18 words also. This could be a confirmation of “W”, or an indication to keep looking for 13.

Subtracting the Square from the Compass letters gives the value 44 – 31 = 13 = M.

The first “M” from the beginning and end of the Bible are a combined 75 letters, which is the same value as the Square and Compass letters.

“In the beginning God created the Heauen, and the Earth. And the earth was without form + men. = 757.

888 – 757 = 131, which could be a reference to 13 from the beginning and end.

Since we appear to be pointed in the direction of subtracting to get 13, and the first shift value is provided when adding the numbers of the Square and Compass, perhaps they are telling us to add the shift value to the difference between the Square and Compass letters.

13 + 23 = 36 = 666

36 – 26 = 10 = J

The actual letter “J” appears only 30 times in the 1611 King James Bible. All other words that should contain a “J” have it written as an “I”. The first “J” in the Bible is found in Genesis 22:14.

“And Abraham called the name of that place Iehouah-ijreh, as it is said to this day, In the Mount of the LORD it shalbe seene.”

In the Septuagint. “Iehouah-ijreh” is translated as the “The LORD hath seen”.

From the beginning of the Bible, the first “J”, written as an “I” appears in Genesis 4:18.

“And vnto Enoch was borne Irad: and Irad begate Mehuiael, and Mehuiael begate Methusael, and Methusael begate Lamech.”

  • Reverse 4:18 to get 814.
  • 888 – 814 = 74 = JESUS
  • The word that contains the “J”, “Mehuiael” = 74 = JESUS
  • There are 9 words before “Mehuiael”, and 9 X 74 = 666.

The reversal of the chapter and verse, and value of the “Mehuiael” word could indicate that the name of JESUS, or “IESUS”, as it is spelled in the King James Bible, should be sought from the end as a possible confirmation.

The actual letter “J” does not appear anywhere in the New Testament of the King James Bible. The third “IESUS” from the end of the Bible is found in Revelation 22:16.

“I Iesus haue sent mine Angel, to testifie vnto you these things in the Churches. I am the roote and the offspring of Dauid, and the bright and morning starre.”

Removing the letters “CUP” and retaining the periods, the “I” in “IESUS” is the 666th character from the end of the Bible.

“Iess hae sent mine Angel to testifie vnto yo these things in the hrhes. I am the roote and the offsring of Daid and the bright and morning starre.
And the Sirit and the Bride say ome. And let him that heareth say ome. And let him that is a thirst ome. And whosoeer will let him take the water of life freely.
For I testifie vnto eery man that heareth the wordes of the rohesie of this booke If any man shal adde vnto these things God shall adde vnto him the lages that are written in this booke.
And if any man shall take away from the wordes of the booke of this rohesie God shal take away his art ot of the booke of life and ot of the holy itie and from the things whih are written in this booke.
Hee whih testifieth these things saith Srely I ome qikly. Amen. Een so ome Lord Iess.
The grae of or Lord Iess hrist be with yo all. Amen.”

The “”I”, or “J” in “IESUS” is the 666th character from the end of the modified text. This appears to a be a direct confirmation of the first decoded letter “J” because the only way to find it is to use the text of the Bible that was modified for the code. There is nothing special about this letter in the unmodified text.

It appears the the starting positions from the beginning and end of the Bible have been identified and the first letter, “J”, has been successfully decoded. Unfortunately, continuing the process with the shift values used to get “GOD” and “CUP” in “Using The Key” does not produce legible text. Based on the clues, a reasonable assumption can be made that the first decoded word should be “JESUS”. Based on this assumption, new shift values can be determined. Following the same Square and Compass pattern used to get “GOD” and “CUP”, Figure 7 shows the required shift values to decode the name of “JESUS”. A few interesting confirmations also emerge. The difference between the Square and Compass letters has a total of 49 for the five letters. As it turns out “LORD” also equals 49. The required shift values to decode “JESUS” have a total value of 77, which the value of “CHRIST”.

Figure 7 – The Coming of LORD JESUS CHRIST

The last verse of the Bible, Revelation 22:21 confirms the three words, “LORD JESUS CHRIST”.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

There are a total of 13 letters before the phrase, and 18 chracters after the phrase. 13:18 is a reference to Revelation 13:18 and the all too familiar number 666. It is also a confirmation of the first decoded word, “JESUS”, and how it is found.

So, things are not quite as simple as they appear. Continuing the process started in Figure 7 to include the first 8 decoded letters produces some rather interesting results, but not a coherent message. Figure shows the first 8 decoded letters, repeating the CHRIST shift key in the same order.

Figure 8 – The First 8 Dcoded Letters Using the CHRIST Shift Key

There a few things that could be important in these first 8 letters.

  • The total of the Trinity letters from the beginning and end of the Bible 663, which is 3 less than 666.
  • Adding the difference and the shift columns, the total is 891, or 3 more than 888.
  • Since 666 and 888 are the target numbers, being off by 3 on each possibly indicates that we are close, but more work is needed.
  • 3 and 3 could be 33, or simply the number 6
  • The last three decoded letters, “NOU” = 50
  • It just so happens that the total text letters used to get the 8 decoded letters is 616, and 616 + 50 = 666.
  • Some early manuscripts of Revelation 13:18 say that the 666 number should be 616.
  • It could mean that the number 50 is in some way important.

There are also repeated hints to look for 18 and 37. These two numbers are important for many reasons, including 18 X 37 = 666. 18:37 is found near the beginning of the code int he Declaration of Independence. 1837 is the year that George Washington was finally laid to rest in sarcophagus of his new tomb, 38 years after he died.

Backing up 50 lines from the last line of text used in Figure 8, to 91 of the Genesis text, the number 18 can be found in the shape of a compass and a square that uses the “E’ in position 683.

Also, if the letters on each line of the Revelation text are counted in reverse order, right to left instead of left to right, a square with the value 37 can be found using the letter in position 649 to define the square. See Figure 9.

Figure 9 – The 18:37 Square and Compass

If the first Square and Compass that led to the name of JESUS is combined with the 18:37 Square and Compass, some very interesting confirmations can be found. Both 888 and 666 are readily obtained in Figure 10.

Figure 10 – The First Two Square and Compass Pairs

It appears that one of the more important thing to learn in Figure 10 is the repeated reference to the number 6. It takes six letters each to costruct the two Compasses and the two Squares. The difference between the six Compass letters and the six Square letters is 6. This forms a symbolic representation of the numebr 666 and confirms that the letters forming the two Compasses and two Squares are to be combined together and then subtracted.

The two shapes formed by the six letters are confirmed in Masonic symbolism.

The Square and Compass

The two Squares can be viewed as a Square and a Compass, where the Compass is opened up to 90 degrees, matching the Square. This symetric Square and Compass is commonly represented in Masonic symbols with the Square and Compass lying on top of an opened Bible, as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11 – The Symmetric Square and Compass

The two Compasses are confirmed by one of the more controversial symbols in Freemasonry, the Skull and Crossbones. In Gematria “SKULL” = 75. The common apex of the two Compasses is the letter “E” = 5 and the line has 7 letters, forming a veiled number 75, or “SKULL” in Figure 12. The two Compasses emanating from the letter “E” are represented by the crossbones. In Freemasonry, the Skull and Crossbone symbol is used to remind us that our lives are finite, that we will all die one day. It is the great leveler in that all men must die, no matter how much money or popularity one has, we all must die. It is used to remind us that time is limited and that we should use our time in this life to its fullest and not waste aven one minute.

The Skull and Crossbones

The Skull and Crossbones can also be taken as an end point. It could represent that the end of the journey, or that we may now have all of the elements required for the code.

Figure 12 – The Skull and Crossbones

Both of these symbols can be found all over Masonic artwork, tracing boards, and regalia. Figure 13 is a Masonic image that is covered with symbols that conenct directly to the functioning of this code. Overall, the image depicts the rising sun, seen through the columns of Solomon’s Temple. Centered at the top is the letter “G”, which represents among other things, the 7 letters per line arrangement of the code text. To the right is the Square and Compass, which represents the shape of the two squares in the code because the Compass can be opened to any angle. On the left is the Skull and Crossbones, which represents the two Compasses of the code. The three steps and three candlesticks represent the three letters that are required to form both the Square and Compass. The open Bible on the altar with the Square and Compass on top of it is a direct reference to the presence of the code in the Bible and the tools required to break it. Scatterd about on the floor are the other tools of a Mason, representing a work in progress, or the end of a difficult job that required the use of a lot of differnet tools to break the code. The rising sun also represents the breaking of the code, or the beginning of the light of wisdom that will come when the code is broken.

Figure 13 – Masonic Image that Symbolically Describe the Code in the Bible

Many of the same symbols and hidden meanings can be found on an apron presented to George Washington by Lafayette, in Figure 14.

Figure 14 – Masonic Apron Presented to George Washington by Lafayette

The Angels

Genesis 28:12 tells us that Angels were ascending and descending the ladder to Heaven. The Angels are the two shapes formed by the Square and Compass and the Skull and Crossbones.

Climbing The Ladder to Heaven

The two globes on top of the pillars represent Heaven and Earth. In Figure 10, the Compass starts on line 92, which encompasses the word “EARTH”. The next logical step would be to climb the ladder to “HEAUEN”. Turns out that there is a confirmation that from “EARTH” to “HEAUEN” is important. Figure 15 shows the text from “EARTH” in line 91 to “HEAUEN” in line 72 From the beginning of the Bible.

Figure 15 – Climbing the Ladder from Earth to Heauen

The total value of the text from Earth to Heauen is 1550, but there are 4 commas in the text that are not counted. Adding the four commas, give 1550 + 4 = 1554 = 888 + 666. This seems to confirm EARTH to HEAUEN, but for what purpose? The number 4 could refer tot he number of steps required between Earth and Heaven. There are several verses in the Bible that refer to Earth and Heaven, but only one that uses the word “LADDER”, Genesis 28:12.

Genesis 1:1

“In the beginning God created the Heauen, and the Earth.”

Genesis 28:12

“And he dreamed, and beholde, a ladder set vp on the earth, and the top of it reached to heauen: and beholde the Angels of God ascending and descending on it.”

“LADDER” is the 7th word of Genesis 28:12, possibly a reference to the 7 letter per line arrangement of the text. It could be a direct confirmation that “LADDER” refers tot he text arranged in 7 letters per line.

Figure 16 shows the only combination of the Square and Compass and the Skull and Crossbones that climbs the ladder from Earth to Heaven in four steps.

Figure 16 – Climbing The Ladder from Earth to Heauen

The total value of the 24 letters that form the four steps is 235. Line 72 contains the letters “HEAUENA”, which can also be found in Genesis 28:12. The 7 words between “EARTH” and “HEAUEN A” in Genesis 28:12 has the total value of 232, which is off by three. The letter “A” after “HEAUEN” is the 77th character of the verse and “CHRIST” = 77, and the total of the 7 center letters used to climb the ladder is also 77. This confirms the arrangement of the Angels on the ladder in Genesis is correct between EARTH and HEAUEN.

There are a total of 24 selected letters. Since 24 X 37 = 888, where is 37?

Climbing the Ladder in Genesis and Revelation

The shapes used to climb the ladder in Revelation will be the opposite of what was used in Genesis, as shown in Figure 17. The secret to successfully climbing the ladder in Revelation appears to be finding the 18:37 pair of numbers. This shows us how many lines to skip between the skull and crossbones Angel. The climbing pattern requires one, one, and three of the same Angels in each direction.

Figure 17 – Climbing The Ladder in Genesis and Revelation

The 18:37 pair of numbers is confirmed in Genesis 28:12.

  • “ME” = 18 and “RS” = 37
  • 21 Letters from “ME” to “RS” in Genesis 28:12 – med and beholde a ladder s
  • From the beginning to “ME”: “And he dreame” = 78
  • From “RS” to the end: r set vp on the earth, and the top of it reached to heauen: and beholde the Angels of God ascending and descending on it.” = 945
  • There are 21 letters in the three lines that are skipped in lines 67 to 69.
  • Since the decoding pattern is to subtract two numbers and then add a third, doing that here provides the confirmation number 888.
  • 945 – 78 + 21 = 888
  • 888 confirms that using “ME” and “RS” to arrange the Skull and Crossbones Angels is correct.
  • The total of the letters selected by the 10 Angels is 328 + 337 = 665
  • The comma in line 78 has a value of zero, but if it has a value of 1, the total of the selected letters becomes 666.
  • In lines 64 and 39, the 11th Comma and the 7th Period are found in Genesis and Revelation.
  • 7 X 11 = 77 = CHRIST
  • On the same lines, “RS”=37, and “EK” = 16.
  • 37 X 16 = 592, which is 74 less than 666, and 74 = JESUS
  • The remaining letters, “WHIC” + “IDNA” = 71.
  • 592 + 71 = 663
  • 663 could indicate that the comma and period should have a value of 1 and 2 to make 666.
  • It could also mean that we need to do something else, perhaps the next three shapes in the sequence should be used to continue climbing the ladder.

Figure 18 shows the next three Angels on the Ladder in both Genesis and Revelation.

Figure 18 – The Next Three Angles on the Ladder


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