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I Am The Way

Jesus saith unto him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.’

John 14:6

In the numerical language of gematria,

‘JESUS’ = 74 = ‘THE KEY’

This one little mathematical fact of gematria reveals that the name of Jesus is The Key to unlocking the secrets of the Bible and the mysteries of the Templars. Language is divinely inspired and can reveal amazing Truths to those who will let themselves see. Unless we are to believe that there was some great conspiracy during the development of the English language between seemingly unrelated words, then either the numerical relationship between ‘JESUS’ and ‘THE KEY’ is nothing more than random chance or we must consider the possibility that it is a Divine message from God, just as the ancients believed.

Are there other words that equal 74 and Jesus? Yes, and that is what makes gematria so difficult for some to believe. The fact that there are many words that have the same values that are not related to any encoded information, leads a lot of people to be critical of this type of coding technique. Any good code should be difficult to break; otherwise, it is not very useful. Using gematria to equate words that should be unrelated can be useful, but it is not the primary mechanical functioning of the code. The code is mechanical, not subjective like the traditional use of gematria. The true coding methodology is numerical, but it is also mechanical. Once the correct solution methodology is determined, everything will simply fall into place. So, do not let the overwhelming nature of traditional gematria distract from the search for a mechanical code. Don’t get bogged down trying to understand how gematria is going to lead to a treasure when the possible interpretations seem limitless, because gematria is not the code, it is just a clever way of hiding the clues.

Sometimes Truth is difficult to accept. Even when presented with overwhelming evidence, the natural reaction is to deny that the evidence is real. The name, Jesus Christ, or more specifically, the numerical values of the names ‘Jesus’ and ‘Christ’ will open the doors to a most amazing adventure. As will be clearly shown in the chapters that follow, the King James Bible contains a hidden code that can be called The Holy Grail. The Bible tells how to break this code, but in order to see it, one must learn to see the Bible as a code book, from beginning to end. Everything in the Bible is either a part of the code or instructions for breaking the code. As language was inspired by God, so too was the Bible. If God inspired the Bible, then God would also have inspired the code contained within its text.

This does not mean that the main message of the Bible is any less true. It simply means that there is much more to be discovered. The Bible will speak on many levels, some seen, and some unseen. Like the speedometer that is accurate within its own limited reference frame, so too is the Bible. By making slight adjustments to the reference frame, a deeper Truth in the Bible will be revealed to those who seek it. This Truth has always been there and the Founding Fathers of America knew the full extent of the Truth when they dedicated their lives to its protection. They could have gained enormous personal wealth from the knowledge and artifacts they possessed, yet they chose to lay a foundation for a new nation that would protect the treasure beyond their own lifetimes. Whatever this Grail thing is, they clearly believed that its value far exceeded even that of their own lives. Whatever it is, they took the secret to their graves and left a trail for future generations to follow. You are about to embark on a journey whose foundation was laid hundreds of years ago.

The search for the Grail is a journey like no other. When this journey gets tough, and it will get tough, let your faith in Jesus and God guide you. Also, draw comfort from the knowledge that many honorable men and women have sacrificed everything to protect this Truth. Without them, the treasure and the knowledge would have long ago been plundered and destroyed. There is a great deception that persists to this day, and this deception was necessary to protect something of enormous value to the human race and to ensure that it would never be lost. The end will justify the means.

Follow Jesus and all will be revealed. Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find. The Bible provides very clear instructions that tell how to break the code. The only way to see the Truth is to follow what is in front of you. The trail is marked, but to see it, you must first be willing to look. In some respects, this is the hardest part of the journey. To see, you must look. To look, you must open your eyes and focus. The largest obstacle to finding the Grail and even the path to the Grail is that most people assume they already know what the Bible is and what or who Jesus is.  They have a preconceived idea of the Truth presented by the Bible and as long as that preconceived idea controls what is seen, they will not see the Grail, no matter how hard they may try. The reference frame must be changed. The reader must learn a new way to read.

Jesus is the way, but to find the Grail, one must adjust the reference frame of Jesus. Look upon Jesus as a Key, not a real person. This is not to suggest that Jesus is not real, it is merely to aid the reader to see things from a different perspective. Ask the question, “If the Bible is a code and if Jesus is the Key, then what is Jesus trying to say?” To find the answer to this question, it will be necessary to view the Bible as a code and Jesus as the one who provides the instructions for breaking the code. It is necessary that the reader begins to understand that the code was devised in such a manner that it was intended to be broken. As such, there are instructions, but the instructions are buried in allegory and metaphor. The instructions are difficult to see, even when one knows they are there.

The first step in the process is to realize that the written language of words and letters can be converted into a numerical language. While the traditional rules of gematria will apply, the numerical language goes far beyond simply equating the meaning of words or phrases that have the same values.