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In Washington, DC

“Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pain taken to bring it to light.”

George Washington

The text of the Bible beginning with Genesis 1:1 was divided into lines with 13 letters each. Following the clue provided by John 1:1-2, the phrase ‘In the beginning’ was modified so that the letter ‘T’ was repositioned to form the word ‘TRUTH’ completing the shape of the cup known to legend as The Holy Grail.


Figure 1 – ‘NOAHS TRUTH’ in Bible text

The cup formed by ‘NOAHS TRUTH’ is extracted from the rest of the text. The letters inside the cup have been referenced in the stories of the Grail as the blood of Christ. This is the cup that legend has spoken of and searchers have sought for centuries. This cup and the blood of Christ reveal the location of the Templar treasure.


Figure 2 – ‘NOAHS TRUTH’ Cup

A closer inspection of the letters, or “blood of Christ”, inside the cup, specifically names the city where the treasure is protected. The letters inside the cup are,


To find the location, drop the first ‘IN’ letters to get ‘INDCWA’. Next divide the six remaining letters into pairs to get, ‘IN DC WA’. Rearrange the letters to get the abbreviated name of the city, ‘IN WA DC’. The location of Templar treasure is,

‘In Washington, DC.’

Not only does the cup in the 1611 King James Bible name the location of the treasure as Washington, DC, it includes the latitude and longitude of the city as well. The latitude and longitude of Washington, DC are 38°53′42.4″ N, 77°02′12.0″ W. The latitude is approximately 38 degrees, and the standard gematria value of ‘GOLD’ is 38. The letters inside the cup have a total value of 77, which is the approximate longitude of the city. How is this possible?

While the latitude of a particular location on Earth was relatively easy to determine, the same was not true for the longitude, which required the ability to measure time at sea accurately. Longitude also requires that a zero meridian or prime meridian be selected from which all other coordinates are calculated. The problem here is that the modern Greenwich Meridian was not adopted as the prime meridian until 1884. There were an almost unlimited number of possible choices for this meridian around the globe. Any choice other than the Greenwich Meridian would have resulted in a different longitude for Washington, DC. So, how could the translators of the King James Bible have known this in 1611?

A Bible written in 1611 is indicating that the location of The Holy Grail treasure is in a city that was founded in the year 1790, over 179 years after this Bible was written. Is it purely the work of man, the work of God, or just blind luck? Like so many things in this journey, the sequence of events in time appears to be out of order, or reversed. How could the name, latitude, and longitude of the city be known so long before it ever existed? How could it be known that a great city would be built at this location and be named after a great leader that did not even exist, in a country that was not yet born? If we assume that it was intentional, then there are very few plausible explanations.

It was either, the work of God, the inspired work of God, or the successful implementation of the world’s greatest conspiracy, one that not only transcended time and generations, but also crossed a vast ocean and conquered a hostile land. The people who encoded this secret in the Bible were long dead before anyone would ever imagine building Washington, DC, or even consider naming it. The writers of the 1611 King James Bible could not have done this for personal gain for themselves or even their families because they knew they would not live to see the completion of their work.

To accomplish this task, even if it was the inspired plan of God, took the concerted effort of thousands of individuals over hundreds of years without a single word of the secret ever leaking out. Who could have accomplished such a grand achievement? Was America planned even before King James started the translation of the world’s greatest Bible? Who could have developed such an amazing code and interwoven it into the text of the Bible?

The missing link between the writing of the King James Bible and the building of America is the Freemasons, and a gentleman by the name of Sir Francis Bacon, who was a close confidant of King James. He was a philosopher, statesman, scientist, lawyer, and author. Sir Bacon was an expert at hiding coded messages in seemingly innocent text.

Many legends have sprung up around Sir Francis Bacon. It has been said that he was the real author of Shakespeare’s plays, that he was the final editor of the 1611 King James Bible, and even that he was a Freemason who helped develop many of the rituals and symbols used today. How much of this is true is unknown, but his background in embedding hidden codes in seemingly innocent documents would have proved invaluable to King James in developing the King James Bible with a secret code, and verifying that the code worked as intended.

In 1624, 13 years after the King James Bible was published, Francis Bacon published a Latin book entitled ‘Nova Atlantis’, and an English version in 1627 titled, ‘New Atlantis’. The story is about a fictional land called Bensalem that was a Christian nation founded on the principals of the Bible and in the study of science and nature. The inhabitants of this land spoke of a young country called America, or New Atlantis. Was he trying to tell the story of a country yet to be born, or was he laying out the plan for all to see?