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A Truth to Protect – A Country to Build

“Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled …”

Albert Pike, ‘Morals and Dogma’

Square_Compass_G (1)

Figure 1 – The Square and Compass

Much would happen from the time the Pilgrims so bravely ventured across a dangerous ocean to a forbidding land that was destined to be America until the Founding Fathers began the enormous task of building a new nation and seeking independence from England. What exactly happened during those intervening years will never be fully known, but this fledgling little country called America was destined for greatness and thrived under what many have said is the divine protection of God. A nation established not only on the principals of God and the Bible, but one that protected a Sacred Truth, the Truth of God, and the treasure that has become known as The Holy Grail.

Yes, The Holy Grail is real and it has been hidden in the last place anyone would ever think of looking, but then again, once the secrets are revealed, it might be seen as the most obvious place and many will wonder why it has taken so long to find. This amazing secret was hidden in plain sight, with clues and ‘maps’ telling anyone who dares to look in the manner intended, exactly where to go. The guardians wanted to protect the Grail, but they also wanted it to be found. They intentionally made the trail of clues very difficult to see and follow, to ensure that only the most determined and ‘worthy’ would be able to find it. This blog will reveal the exact location of the Grail and provide the evidence to back up the claims.

It is little disputed that the Freemasons were largely involved in the founding of America, but when did the organization begin and what was the objective? The exact origin of the Freemasons is not known, even within the organization. The Masonic ideals were established long before the recorded history of what we now know as the Freemason fraternal organization, with some placing the origins with the Knights Templar and as far back as the early Egyptians or even the Babylonians.

Regardless of their origin, the Masons have been bombarded by countless theories of what they do at their meetings and what their ultimate intentions are. They have been accused of all sorts of mal-intents ranging from devil worship to wanting to take over the world and form something called a New World Order.

Fiction is usually far more interesting than fact and that is one of the reasons these bizarre, unsubstantiated claims are able to propagate. And, of course, everybody loves a good conspiracy theory. The Masonic order is a very complex organization that is surrounded by symbols, rituals and ‘secrets’ that initiates are sworn to never reveal, yet the so-called secrets are freely available in literature and on the internet. Essentially, the Masons are a fraternal brotherhood that endeavors to teach men (and women in The Order of the Eastern Star) how to live a good and moral life and to bring the initiates into a clearer understanding of their own mortality. They are one of the largest philanthropic organizations in the world. Devil worship and a desire to take over the world could not be any farther from the truth.

There are three primary aspects to the Freemason organization. There is what the public knows, what the members of the organization know, and what neither the public, nor the members know. It is this third aspect that is going to be explored here. The Masonic organization was set up to hide a secret and this secret is so well kept that very few if any in the organization today know what it is or even that it is there.

As an initiate progresses through the different levels of the organization, they learn more and more ‘secrets’ that they are told to never reveal under penalty of death. Aside from the handshakes and a few secret words used to identify fellow Masons, there really are not any major secrets handed down within the organization. Almost everything that Freemasons teach inside the organization’s meetings and rituals is available in public literature, much of it published by the Masons themselves. So, if there is no secret, then what is the secret?

The Masonic organization is a brilliant construction for hiding a secret knowledge. The meanings of the symbols and rituals are taught to each initiate as they progress through the many levels and they are encouraged to think about what they are doing in their lives and to apply the principals they are taught. The real secret though is what is NOT taught. No matter how high one goes in the organization, the real secret is likely never revealed. The teachers may not even know the secret. This secret is the equivalent of the medical community’s double blind study. The teachers are just as blind as the students are. Each generation transmits the secret to the next generation without anyone ever having a need to know what it is or that it even exists.

The secret is hidden in the symbols and rituals of each level, but it is hidden in such a way that knowledge of the secret is not necessary for the secret to be preserved. Each generation of Masons is taught to use the same symbols and to leave the rituals unchanged for the next generation. The secret is hidden in the symbols and rituals themselves, not so much in the esoteric meaning of them, but simply in what they are. The problem with symbols is that the meaning ascribed to them can easily change with time and different people see different things in the same symbol. There is only one way to ensure that a secret protected by a symbol is never lost and that is to make the symbol be the secret. Hide it in plain sight because nobody expects it to be that easy.

The Square and Compass symbol is recognized around the world and the Masons are taught volumes about what these symbols mean and how they can be used to live a square and true life. The Square and Compass is also just a ‘Square’ and a ‘Compass’, nothing more. The Square (or straightedge) and Compass are the tools of Euclidean geometry. They are used to draw very accurate lines, angles, and circles without actually having to measure. In both symbols and in the rituals, the Square and Compass are laid on top of an open Bible. Here, the secret is to use the Square and Compass on the Bible and/or other documents to draw something, perhaps a graphical Key.


Figure 2 – Masonic Drawing of Open Bible with Square and Compass

The letter ‘G’ inside the Square and Compass has come to hold many meanings to the Masons. They are taught that it stands for God, Geometry, Grammar, and so on, but the real secret is that the letter ‘G’ is just the letter ‘G’, nothing more. In the English alphabet, ‘G’ is the 7th letter, so ‘G’ can mean the number ‘7’, which will also find a role in the Bible. As long as the order of the alphabet is preserved, the numerical attribute of the letter will not be lost. Ever wonder why the alphabet is in the order it is and why it never changes? If the order is changed, a secret would be lost. The secret to breaking the code is right in front of your eyes. Language is the code and the letters are numbers.This probably makes very little sense right now, but as the journey continues, the true purpose behind these symbols and many others will become apparent. These symbols have been placed right in front of all of us and we have all seen them, the Masons have been taught what they mean, but few, if any, have understood the real meaning for centuries.

The truth behind the Masonic symbols, the US Dollar bill, The Declaration of Independence, Washington, DC, The Holy Bible, and even The Holy Grail will all be revealed in the pages that follow.